Friday, November 30, 2012

Google related confusions

I just wasted about 45 minutes trying to work out what do do about my Blogger vs Google account.

I set up the Mum in a Hurry blog via my own personal gmail account. However, I wanted to stay anonymous to all but my very good friends and I realised when I looked into connecting Google+ to my Blogger blog, that this wouldn't be possible. So I set up a new google account purely for Mum In A Hurry. But then realised that I wouldn't be able to move my Blogger blog over to the new account - except I could as I realised the minute I googled it: you can give the new you permission and then as them, remove the old you. That gives the new you (and the new Google + account that you can create with it) full rights and makes you the main administrator to the Blog. (the new you, that is). I have now linked the new Google+ account belonging to the new Google email account to the old blog, then readded the old me (as I may want to post on it without having to log out of my usual Gmail account.

I'm not a big fan of anonymity on the web - especially not if your purpose is to "troll" and be a big fat meany basically. But I just don't want my colleagues and relatives and non-close friends knowing what I write. Cos I might write about them. Some of the mean ones anyway! Ha!
Anyway, I seem to have resolved it now, even though it really made my head hurt. But if I want to do this blogging mallarcky (and it seems I do) then I figure why not be on all the platforms. I am now on Twitter, Blogger, Facebook (only one like :( ), Google Plus, and Instagram. Have I missed anything? For links to all these platforms, just check my blog. Oh, you are. OK, so look to your right in the side bar where I put some buttony things.

I'm going to get some lunch now and bring it back to my desk and ACTUALLY do some work.

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